It’s been an absolutely beautiful summer here this year. There’s been the hot and humid periods, but we’re getting more decently nice days than last year. I’ve been feeling pretty lazy this season and have been favouring short to-the-point excursions.. I’ve made two trips in the last 4 weeks or so. One to the marsh and one to the bog… Both were relatively quick and short trips.
The marsh trip lasted about 4 hours. I got stung in the cheek by some random flying bastard (a stray yellowjacket, probably) and the mosquitos were pretty intense. I haven’t got into the deep expansive part yet, but the water levels all around me are nice and low so I am still holding out for a nice day trip there.
The bog… Well the bog is the bog. I really like the mud there, but it’s just too iffy for me to play around there for any length of time. Nevertheless, my laziness brought me there this past weekend because I didn’t feel like walking the extra way to the marsh. Mosquitos weren’t as bad, probably because of the refreshing breeze. When I checked the tracker back at home, it said the entire trip lasted barely 2.5 hours.
Fortunately, the only visitor this time was a cute young deer who hung around and watched me clean up for a while before eventually bouncing off into the woods.
I am a little worried that this year is going to end really early. I haven’t taken any photos of anything yet (laziness), and I haven’t done hardly any exploring this year. I don’t need to explore, tho, since I have my regular spots that are doing just fine this year. Still, the exploring bit is enjoyable and I may very well take a day trip through the chunk of forested area I visited briefly earlier this year. The main reason for avoiding it is concerns about bears that I really have no useful defense for should I encounter a feisty one.
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