First adventure of 2021!

By | May 25, 2021

Yes, finally. On the last day of the first long weekend of summer, I managed to get myself out to the good ol’ creeky marsh! It was a nice bright sunny day, not too hot or cold. The mosquitos were insane.

The pit is full of water, which wasn’t entirely unexpected. It’s pretty early in the season, but it looks like it’s going to be a fairly dry summer, so I’m betting on many wonderful muddy excursions this summer! I didn’t spend any time wandering around, and headed straight for the pit. This, I think, is going to be how the treks are going to be this year.


I started out down the usual trail I follow… There’s a gate at the beginning that usually is closed and locked (but easy to get around), but this time around the gate was open, and there were apparently fresh ATV tracks. Bummer! So, I had to stray from the trail and go around the area. The detour takes me far enough off course to nearly double the time it takes me to get to the pit, and I’m moderately annoyed about this right now. I added some POIs where there’s clearings I can walk through easily, so I suspect that after a few trips I’ll have a much easier time navigating the dead forest.

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