Winding down

By | October 17, 2017

I’ve been pretty busy lately with real life stuff… But I did manage to get out twice in the last month or so. I’ve kept up my winning streak of getting to and from the spot without being spotted, except by a few young fishermen, who really seemed more interested in getting away from me than seeing what I was up to. Maybe they thought I was the property owner. But no matter.

The first visit was pretty good. The hole I worked up a few weeks prior was still primed and it turned out to be a nice quiet day. So quiet, in fact, that the sound of leaves starting to fall from the trees was loud enough for me to stop and look around every time I heard one fall. Oh, and there was a friendly porcupine waddling around too, but although we crossed paths, we both just kinda looked at each other with that sort of ‘don’t hurt me’ expression, and kept going our separate ways.  I misjudged the amount of sunlight available at this time of year and ended up trudging back through the bush in the dark, which wasn’t so much fun, mostly because I couldn’t see the branches on the ground and kept snapping twigs all the way home. Didn’t really like that, but it didn’t seem to attract any unwanted attention, so…

The second trip a few weeks later was also pretty good. This time I opted for a shorter stay. No exploration or wasting time… I went back to my favourite spot ever, confident that the weather wasn’t nice enough for anyone to be out on the creek that day. Turns out I was right, and there was no sign of anyone anywhere.  One thing I did forget to do was to eat a good healthy meal before, and decided against grabbing a Red Bull on my way just because I knew I’d be hyper for hours after the fact and I was looking forward to being home, cleaned up, and chillaxed on the couch for the evening.  Without a good strong energy level, the waist-deep silt proved to be too much of a physical exertion for me. I brought my handy-dandy rope but realized pretty quickly that using the rope to pull or drag myself out actually requires a higher level of upper body strength than I realized.  It took me close to 10 minutes to dig myself out.

Oddly enough, that was kind of fun. I think next time I go I’m going to juice up with some good food and energy drink and take some time to roll around more and see what results. Yeah, speaking of next time. I think I have one more chance to get out this year. The nighttime temps are dropping to single digits. Last night we ended up below freezing. But there’s a warm front coming and in a few days we’re expecting some nice warm weather. I expect this will be the last trip of the year because the cold is coming for us a bit earlier than it did last year. If everything works out, it will be one final bang to end what ended up being a pretty roller coaster year!

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