Super Soaked!

By | May 2, 2017

The water is rising again. Nearly 70 mm of rain fell here the last 48 hours. Another 50 mm is forecast for later this week. I’m starting to feel like I should just go back in to hibernation and wake up again in July rather than endure this annoying spring any more!

That being said, I remember Truck Hole Trail being usable in the early season, although it’s a bit of a challenge to actually get to… It will be well worth it if it gives me a change to get down and dirty. I’ll even risk doing it during daylight hours because I’m feeling that desperate these days.

I’m also considering digging out Creeky some more so that it’s bigger and deeper. It’s such nice clayey stuff, and a well-hidden spot. There’s just too much flooding around here, and all I see is rain forecast in the near future, to get any hope up of being able to sink myself in the Creeky Bog this year.  Having said that, there’s a chance we’re getting our entire summer’s worth of rain now and it’s possible that the water levels will drop significantly and early… but it’s a pretty slim chance, and a really dry summer makes my treks through the forest that much noisier.


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