Planning around someone else’s schedule :(

By | June 30, 2015

Well good news and bad news for this particular babbling.

Deal with the bad news first, I guess. So due to vehicular scheduling my Monday didn’t go as planned. Luckily, Tuesday is forecast to be much warmer in the evening, but unluckily, there are still vehicle scheduling conflicts. So I guess I’m waiting until Sunday now unless the forecast drastically changes. Not to worry, it usually does. I hope it’s wrong about the upcoming chilly spell.

The good news? It rained all day Sunday and hasn’t been overly water-sucking scorching hot since then, so my pit should be good for a while. Also, my suit shipped a couple days early, so it should be here at least 4 or 5 days sooner than I thought 🙂

I just read about some people in France getting sick after taking part in a mud run of some sort. They figure the mud was contaminated. Stay away from the smelly stuff, folks!  That’s certainly unfortunate for those people, and I wish them a speedy recovery.

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