Just add water.

By | May 25, 2015

The little pond I found yesterday isn’t all that deep (with water) so I expect a few weeks at most before the summer heat dries it up. So I went back. This time I went a bit later in the evening and everything was pretty quiet all around the area. πŸ™‚Β  I spent about an hour or so just mushing around, and ended up about 8″ deeper than I had started. I can go deeper yet, so we’ll see what happens. I’m experimenting with adding water to see what kind of consistency works best for that particular spot. More research is required πŸ™‚

Before I went out I stopped at the wally world and picked up a nice light weight long-sleeve shirt. 100% polyester. I would’ve preferred a nice tight spandex/polyester blend like my shorts are, but they didn’t have anything like that in a long sleeve – especially for $12… The shirt I did get fits pretty snugly, tho so I’m OK with it. And it’s that kinda fast-drying moisture-wicking kinda material so it dries pretty fast after cleanup. I looked around for one-piece things, like this kinda dealie but didn’t have any luck. I think it will be difficult to find exactly what I’m looking for, which is tight stretchy and doesn’t have any sort of holes or ports or flaps or the like. I might have to check out a zentai shop or something.

I’ve also updated my backpack slightly, adding a few more lightweight tools to help keep the cleanup phase running smoothly. I’ve got to the point where I can clean up and leave wearing the same clothes I wore going in, which helps keep suspicious locals off my scent and makes for a more comfortable return trip altogether.Β  I’ve got a few more tricks up my sleeve still, and a few more packing/unpacking/repacking considerations to consider considering.

I am so happy to be out of the miserable pit of despair that I was stuck in over the last week or two. πŸ™‚

Oh yeah, and to make things even better, it’s pouring rain today. It’s been pouring since I woke up this morning, and it’s expected to pour right through the evening. Tomorrow’s forecast calls for rain, albeit a pretty slim chance. The next day might storm, but they’re often wrong about these things… Either way you look at the weather forecast, it looks like we’re in for a wet work week, which is absolutely awesome because I can’t go out romping so much on work days. And the weekend looks like it’s gonna be nice. And! All this rain will extend the life of my happy little pond, hopefully until such time as some of my other spots are ready to go after the water levels drop a bit.

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