Wow flood!

By | April 15, 2017

I decided to spend a nice warm sunny afternoon wandering around looking for some mud. I did find some. It’s still pretty chilled and the spot wasn’t deep, but it still felt great to mush it around with my feet a bit.

I can’t get anywhere near any of my happy fun spots, though. The water level is easily 2 feet above normal due to the spring melt. There is a little bit of snow left in small patches, but it’s mostly gone and I can tell the ground is thawing pretty well. But, it looks like I have a good couple of weeks before either of last year’s mud pits re-emerge.  I’m actually pretty amazed at the extent of the flooding. It looks like the water level is still rising, but is slowing down a bit. I’m guessing 2 weeks or so before the water drops enough that I can access the fun swampy areas I like to explore.

And, of course, the squirrels and snakes and mosquitoes and deer are all very busy now. I killed my first mosquito of the year! I saw quite a few small garter snakes, and I hope they don’t eat all the mosquito-eating amphibians before they have a chance to eat all the mosquitoes before they have a chance to breed and breed and breed!!!

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