
By | May 19, 2015

It is excruciating driving by all these damp muddy looking fields and thinking about the things I’d like to do in them. I know I probably have at least a month still before the evenings get warm enough and the water levels go down. I’m still really hoping to get into this creek shore this year. But I suspect it’s all just wishful thinking.

I really wanted to visit one of my previously used spots this weekend. But something in my head said, “No, take your friend’s invitation and go be social for the evening.” Bad move. Very. Very bad move. They didn’t want to see me, they just wanted to impress upon me with their new grandchild. Sorry, folks, I just don’t care for kids OK. And their parents were just miserable unhappy people. I don’t get it. They got to spend the night in a cabin on the lake. The weather was nice. The stars were out. But no they decided that instead of hanging around the bonfire with the rest of us, they’d guilt everyone into going home to get the TV and a bunch of laptops so everyone could do their thing.

So I left.

I should’ve gone back and checked out the mud hole. But I’m sure it’s quite full of water still. There was a mud bog event nearby, which I didn’t check out either. And I would go back there if I could trust my vehicle.  I just need to find something else to occupy my time until the summer mud happy season actually reaches us. Or maybe I’ll move to somewhere with mud all year around… All I’d need is a job, and honestly I think it’s worth actually investigating…

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One thought on “Anticipation…

  1. WetAndMuddyFun

    Move to the west coast of Canada. The weather is great around Vancouver for getting wet and muddy all year round. I have already been swimming fully clothed 4 times this year at a local lake and 2 of those times where guring the winter. So if you are looking for all year round wet and muddy fun the Lower Mainland near Vancouver is the place to be.

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