Sunshine and happiness?

By | May 8, 2015

I oopsed. Yeah. Since we’ve sort of skipped the spring season and went straight to mid summer temperatures, I’m remembering why day spots weren’t such a high priority before: Carrying 30 lb of supplies in 30°C of sunshine is not enjoyable. Carrying 40 lb of wet and muddy supplies back to home base is going to be even less fun. So I am seriously considering changing ‘day spot’ to mean ‘evening spot.’

There are two areas I’m hoping to explore soon. One is within walking distance of my home, so it’s feasible to walk to the spot when the sun starts to go down, and having some fun, clean up, and return home just as it’s starting to get dark. This puts me in the shower around 9:30 or 10pm and gives me the option to avoid waking my neighbour up while giving me lots of time to play.

The second area I have to drive to. There’s a few spots I want to explore in this area. One being a bit close to the road (and therefore requiring a nighttime trip), and the others being down a trail.  The entire area is on crown land so I don’t have to worry about any trumped up trespassing charges.  It’s a bit further down the road from a place I frequented last summer, which is a fairly short drive and gave me the option of going there in the late evening and setting up while there’s still some leftover sunlight… And it was just far enough from the road that I didn’t have to scramble too hard to get out of the way when headlights approached…

I have no idea what to expect from either place. When I checked out the creek earlier this year, it was pretty soggy but offered some depth. It didn’t smell bad so probably is a pretty safe place to play, but this was while the ground was still pretty frozen. Now that everything’s heating up drastically, this could end up being the biggest disappointment of 2015.

Hmmm. Last year I found a spot I wanted to check out, and I went back a while later and checked it out. Funny I don’t see a post about it on here, since I’m certain I did mention it at least once… Anyway. It was this nice expanse of what turned out to be this incredibly deep and soft silty stuff. I took a wrong step, and sank to my waist without even trying. Took me like 10 minutes to get my foot unstuck (I had shoes on, and I came very close to losing one of them!)… I am pretty sure I took some photos.  The only problem was the smell was so horrible I decided not to go back. It would’ve made a beautiful day spot. 🙁  Now, the water levels here have been pretty low the last few years, so it’s possible the situation has improved somewhat, but I think I’m still worried about potentially harmful bacteria being present… I’m gonna go try to find those photos…

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