Happy Monday!

By | May 4, 2015

So it’s Monday again. It was a beautiful warm weekend and yet I managed to not take a single walk… A while back I found a little mapping tool that shows the temperature of the ground at (I think) the surface. I see in our area we’re approaching a solid 60°F… But I imagine it’s still pretty chilly once you get down a foot or two. I remember last year at this time we had a nice warm night and I went for my first night-long romp of 2014, and ended up having a good time, aside from the rain-fueled shivers…

I really want to go back to that DeepMushTrail hole, but I’m really kind of scared to because I made a noticeable dent in the ground there, surrounded it with footprints, and hid in the tall grass, which eventually got mowed down. If they didn’t know what was going on there before, they sure did by the end of the summer.  If I can find a more hidden spot to park my wheelz, I think it’s more than worth a kilometer or two hike to visit this hole again sometime in the summer. Once I get my car all fixed up, I’m gonna tour by there one evening and see what the place looks like, and I’ll try to decide whether it’s worth trying to discreetly visit or not.

Oh and in other news, I’ve started sort of a glossary page, which I quickly learned really doesn’t need to exist… But I was bored, and this blog is sort of my current pet project. Maybe I’ll update it and maybe I won’t. It would make more sense to have definitions relevant to this blog, rather than generic every day normal words like ‘clay.’

I’m also considering some sort of simple little rating system so random visitors could quickly click a 1-5 sort of rating on any post they read… I am interested in adding more interesting subject matter, because I don’t think very many people are really interested in what I’m doing in my spare time… But I don’t know. I can’t recall even so much as a single piece of feedback on my dinky little feedback form.  I experimented briefly with a basic Facebook ‘Like’ button, but it didn’t really jive with the rest of the page… It’s something I think I’ll revisit some time, tho.

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