C’mon already!

By | April 7, 2015


Well the days are definitely getting warmer. Snow is about 80% melted away. I’m starting to see gigantic pools of water covering all the yummy looking fields that I can’t access because of their proximity to an audience…

C’mon spring! I don’t think I’ve ever been as excited to enter into a new season as I am right at this particular moment. There’s so many problems to overcome!

Like. How is my neighbour going to respond to my 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 am showers? Am I going to be able to get in and out at all without being noticed? People where I’m living now are a bit different. They’re nosy. They want to know everything!

My car is falling apart. I need it for work. I’m most likely not going to be able to go on day-long drives looking for new spots. I need destinations! Forget this scrolling around maps looking for places that look real nice from the air but not so much from the ground…

I have 2 places I’m anxious to visit. One is the original hole from way back while #2 is the nice truck hole from last year…

#1 I have to watch out for. Although last year I made several all-nighter visits during which not a single vehicle drove past, I am not 100% comfortable with the hole being right beside the driveway…

#2 never really felt all that safe… It’s a nice big hole, and after the trucks get their spring kicks, it’s relatively lightly travelled. Unfortunately it’s a popular trail with trucks and 4-wheelers and it’s a big enough hole that I can’t scramble out of it as fast…

#3 I almost forgot about. This hole is really handy because it’s close by. It’s far enough off the road that most traffic doesn’t see me… But there is a lot more traffic there than at some of the other holes. All I need is for someone to recognize my car, or get nosy and start poking around… But it’s the deepest of all my holes from last year… I’ll have to get a photo this year.

This year I have sort of an extension of a previous year’s plan. While last year I got around by finding holes and using them with minimal modifications, this year I would like to find a spot I can walk to, dig a hole and fill it with mush, and simply use it for the duration of the year. I have all the tools, but I lack motivation. Just one more thing I can add to my ‘needs work’ list. 🙁

Another thing I’m considering is going to #2 and loading it up with something that will kill off mosquito eggs… While I have a nice gas-powered bug repellent thingy, it would really be nice to not have to worry about getting bitten at all… All this shouldn’t be so hard. Right now I live beside a creek. This creek leads into the bush and occasionally opens out on to some nice fields… This time of year is so good for creek-fed fields because the creek overflows and overs half the field before the water level drops during the summer and leaves some nice low-lying parts of the field still pretty well drenched.

I am considering bring out some tools so I can carve my way through the bush a little bit and follow this creek. I’m sure there’s gotta be some nice secluded close-by place somwhere!

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