Weekend Plans

By | August 14, 2013

Oh yes. We’re planning a weekend excursion. It’ll be the last one of the year most likely… What will we find this time? πŸ™‚


  • Parking… I need to put my car somewhere… Preferably not along the side of some random road…
  • Garden Claw… It just popped in my head that this might come in handy… Not sure I want to spend $35 on one, however…
  • Flashlights, batteries… The weather is expected to be mild and the moon about 3/4 full
  • Change of clothes… Since cleaning up on-site is difficult, I will require some clothes that look normal enough but can get dirty. Value Village should come in handy, here. πŸ™‚
  • Bug spray… It is Canada, after all.
  • GPS… I seem to have bricked it last time I was mapping from it, so hopefully I’ll be able to get it working again…
  • Water… Food…
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